Company Registration in Turkey

Company registration in Turkey

Company registration in Turkey is necessary for all people who want to start a new business as a foreigner. As a citizen of another country in Turkey, if you intend to do economic and commercial activities, it doesn’t matter what kind of business, for example, you may be thinking of opening a restaurant or hair salon, or you may be considering operating in a wider area. Like setting up a production, import and export trading company, etc., it is necessary to legally register your company in Turkey before taking any action. According to your type of activity, the steps and cost of company registration in Turkey can also be very variable. For this reason, we suggest you to get the necessary information in this field.

Company registration or brand registration in Turkey is completely different from Iran, which means that you have more legal responsibilities in Turkey. Especially when you want to liquidate the established company, this is not possible easily and has more complicated legal procedures.

Types of companies in Turkey

In Turkey, you can register 7 types of companies, two types of ANONIM and LIMITED are the most widely used types.

  • Organizational companies: minimum capital of 100,000 Turkish liras
  • Anonymous company: minimum capital of 50,000 thousand Turkish liras
  • Limited company: the minimum required capital is 10,000 Turkish liras
  • Cooperative company: depending on the company’s statutes Non-organizational companies: depending on the company’s statutes
  • Collective company: no minimum capital
  • Komandit Company: No minimum capit

In Turkey, according to the law, if you want to run any business, you must register a company. Setting up a cafe and restaurant, hairdressing salon, tailoring, etc. Everyone needs company registration. It is interesting to know that even selling goods and services in Turkey requires company registration.

Private company in Turkey

This type of company can be registered by a natural person and only the tax number of the company is issued by the tax department. Private companies are not registered in the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce and do not have statutes and official gazettes, etc.

Simply put, so-called private companies only have the name of a company and are not actually considered a company.

Through this type of company, it is not possible to get residence and work permit and therefore it is not suitable for foreigners in Turkey.

Limited company or limited liability

But if you are more than one person and want to start your business as a partnership, you must register a limited company. The responsibility for the company’s debts depends on the amount of each person’s initial capital contribution. The minimum capital for registering a limited company is 10,000 Turkish lira.

Private or limited company?

In limited liability companies, you can include a range of activities in the company’s articles of association. Private and limited companies each have their own advantages and disadvantages, and you should look at the type of activity, volume and number of human resources in your plan, and then prepare the articles of association and register the company. It is also possible to register a limited company with one person in 2022.

Company registration procedures (summary)

  • In Turkey, you must first go to the tax office and get the tax code for the founder of the company.
  • Then, after notarizing the articles of association and related documents, go to the company registration office and get your documents and articles of association approved.
  • For example, one of these documents is your office lease agreement and your address.
  • After the documents are delivered, an inspector will be sent to visit your office.
  • After completing the documents and paying the fees, you will receive a registration code.
  • Also, you should apply for a Lohasi form for your company (picture below).
  • And from there on, the company’s activity will officially start.

Company registration steps from zero to one hundred

Company registration in Turkey takes about 3 to 5 days in Turkey.

Below we have discussed the steps of registering a company in Turkey (of course, if you get help from consulting companies and institutions for company registration, all these steps will be their responsibility, and only the CEO and partners will be present at the chamber of commerce and notary stage. ):

  1. First, you need to translate the passports of the partners to register the company.
  2. Choose a certified Turkish accountant for the company.
  3. Prepare the company’s articles of association in Turkish.
  4. Obtaining the tax number of the company’s shareholders from the Turkish Tax Office.
  5. Completing the special form for company registration in Turkey.
  6. Refer to the Turkish Chamber of Commerce and complete the relevant forms.
  7. Arrangement of commitment form (chamber of commerce).
  8. Official registration of the CEO’s signature in the civil registry office.
  9. Official confirmation of the statute in the civil registry office.
  10. Opening a personal and corporate account to deposit the initial capital (never do this in an account other than your own.).
  11. You must deposit a quarter of the company’s capital in your account.
  12. Print the official newspaper of the company.
  13. – Setting up the lease and announcing it to the tax office to send the inspector.
  14. Obtaining the company’s tax number from the relevant office (in Turkish, it is called Vergi Lohasi).
  15. Obtaining a company registration card or a company business card.
  16. Licensing of accounting offices and their opening.
In order to receive free advice and speed up the registration of all types of companies in Turkey, just send a message to our consultants.
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