Educational migration to Turkey at different times in 2022

مهاجرت تحصیلی به ترکیه در مقاطع مختلف 2022

The conditions for going to Turkey to study are very suitable and economical; Because students can study in prestigious universities with lower costs. There are 166 public and private universities in Turkey, and nearly 65 thousand international students are studying in these universities. In this article, the experts of Avam Institute have answered all your questions regarding the conditions of studying in Turkey, how to obtain Turkish residency through studies, the cost of studying in Turkey, etc. If you did not get the answer to your question by reading the article, you can call the numbers on the site and benefit from the expert advice of our experts.

Saya Institute is one of the reliable institutes in the field of immigration and residency, which charges reasonable fees for obtaining visas and residency compared to its competitors. Also, this institution, with several years of experience in the field of immigration and residency, will be with you until the end of the immigration and residency process.

Conditions of residence and immigration to Turkey through education

One of the conditions that you must have before obtaining a Turkish study visa is to receive admission from universities or higher institutions of this country. Of course, applicants living in Iran can study in all levels of education in Turkey. You can study in Turkey as a student from elementary school to university. The official language of Turkey is Istanbul and in all schools of this country academic courses are taught in this language. Of course, foreign students can study in English in international schools. Also, the education system in Turkey is directly under the supervision of the government. The academic year in Turkey starts in mid-September or early October and continues until May.

Staying in Turkey is optional through pre-school education up to the age of 6. However, its primary education is mandatory and students must study for 5 years in the primary level and 3 years in the secondary level. After that, they have to complete 4 years of high school to be able to enter the university.

In general, Turkish schools are divided into 4 categories:

  • Iranian schools in Turkey
  • Private schools in Turkey
  • International schools
  • Public Schools

Education in Turkish international schools is in English. Also, these types of schools in the world have more valid degrees than other schools in Turkey. These schools receive nearly 27,000 dollars as tuition annually. Education in public and private schools of this country is in Turkish. Education in public schools is free for Turkish citizens. Also, nationals who have a long-term residence card in Turkey can send their children to these schools for free education.

In the article on staying in Turkey through education, we must say that education in private schools in Turkey is not free; But the quality of education is better than public schools. Applicants to study in private schools in Turkey must pay at least 4000 thousand dollars annually as tuition fees. Studying in Iranian schools is only for people who are thinking of returning to Iran. The degree that students get from these schools is approved by the Ministry of Science in Iran. The cost of studying in Iranian schools is close to 500 to 1000 dollars per year. Also note that the number of these schools in Turkey is very limited.

Undergraduate studies in Turkey

Undergraduate study in Turkey has attracted many applicants due to its low costs. Most Iranian students choose Turkey to study medicine; Because the education costs are low. Bachelor’s degree in Turkey lasts about 4 years. Of course, applicants must participate in the entrance exam before entering this stage, and by obtaining a passing score in this exam, they can obtain admission to Turkish universities. Of course, it should be noted that private universities in Turkey mostly accept applicants based on their academic resumes, and the entrance exam is more common for public universities in Turkey.

PhD studies in Turkey

Studying at the doctorate level for educational immigration to Turkey is very systematic. You can study at the doctoral level by getting admission from universities or higher institutions. Studying at this stage lasts nearly 4 to 5 years. Of course, this period depends on the type of field and university of the applicant. Please note that admission to the PhD program has different requirements for each discipline. Also, in order to be admitted to the doctoral program, you must have at least an IELTS score of 6 to 7.5.

In the article about staying in Turkey through education, we must say that for admission to the doctoral degree, you must go through certain steps. In the first step, you have to take a skill test. In this test, your skills will be checked and evaluated. Also, the student’s proposal is evaluated at this stage. Note that doctoral studies in Turkey are evaluated by the follow-up committee every 6 months.

 Job position after education

Students who graduate from Turkish universities should know that with the high unemployment rate in Turkey, they do not have many job opportunities in front of them. Also, they will not have high salary and income. After graduation, students should prepare a resume and search for a job on the Internet. After finding the desired companies, they should send their resume to them and go to the interview after the resume is approved. If they pass the interview, they can work in that company.

Also, students who speak English or French well can teach languages ​​privately in language schools.

For more information about the conditions of going to Turkey to study and stay in Turkey through studies, you can contact the numbers listed on the site and talk to our experts at Saya Group.

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